Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy February!

First things first, since only two people left comments for the magazine, I will send you both a subscription. I'll also check to see if I have another activity log. I just might have one in the bottom of my drawer. So, Lisa, can you please email me your mailing address? I already have Lindsay's. My email is:

Second, I apologize for the lack of recipes. I am in a food slump. Big Time. We are eating the same old same old every day. I have to be honest and say that my family probably hates it, but I like it! I have not been very hungry--don't know why. When I am not hungry I cannot think of what to cook, so I just print off old menus and go with that. Hopefully I will find some new motivation soon.

Third, today was the beginning of the serious training for the CM 1/2 marathon. That counter is ticking down way too fast! Each week I am going to post my training schedule and then report how I did at the end of the week. I need you to really let me have it if I slack off! Last year I finished, but did not improve my time because I trained lazy. No lazy this year! Keep me accountable. Please.

Ok, here is my schedule for the first week.

Monday--Easy run 30 minutes. (check! I did it today. I even managed to run 27 of those 30 minutes, but walked across the icy spots on the road. No need to break anything at the very beginning.)
Tuesday--Speed work, Strength training (I may skip the strength training since I broke up and shoveled ice for an hour today. I still have a section left for tomorrow, That counts, right?)
Wednesday--Rest day
Thursday--Easy run 30 minutes
Friday--Strength training and Cross training (bike, uhg!)
Saturday--Long Run (only 3 miles the first week, which I am close to when I run for 30 minutes, so my goal is to do it without stopping)
Sunday--Rest day


Lindsay said...

Thanks, Charity1 You are the awesomest!

Charity said...

Thanks both of you! Lisa, maybe we will see you in April. We did find Meghan last year, right before Lindsey went to the hospital for heat exhaustion. :) Here is hoping for a better year for all of us. I also wanted to do the full this year, but taking 3 month off running in the fall knocked that out of my head. My new goal is new PR for half and then do a full this fall.

As much as I hate the treadmill, I'm wishing I had one today. The rain has not stopped, but I could have run miles and miles sitting here watching Dora with Cole. :)

(I deleted Lisa's comment so her address would remain private.)