Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Official Marathon Training Week 2

I keep forgetting to log in and report that I am training for the marathon in November. The 18 week training schedule started last week.

Life is not helping me but I have a good friend who is giving me a hard time every time I miss or slack on a planned run. That is helping me.

Last week looked like this:
Monday--2 miles with my daughter
Tuesday--5 miles with my friend (ugly because it was hot and I almost passed out. We ran about 2.5 and then walked the rest.)
Wednesday--3.3 miles
Friday--walked 2 miles

This week:
Monday--3 miles check
Tuesday--5 miles check (and I ran it all!)
Wednesday--3 miles check
Thursday--Cross train check
Friday--5 miles Ran 2 miles hard and then they kicked me out of the gym for closing. Too hot outside.
Saturday--9 miles check--early and out on the greenway


Laura D said...

I am watching you... :)

Charity Bradford said...

LOL, I'm trying to make it easy for you to do so. Nathan promised we would run the 3 miles together tonight.

I already did 20 minutes of pool running (I finally got some shoes) and stretching to get me ready. :)