Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sludging through training

I don't know where I'm supposed to be, but I'm not there. Last week we traveled and the training ground to a halt. Well, not really because the four days before we started traveling we had company. Who liked to take us out to eat every night.

Oh, it was SOOOOO good. All kinds of yummy foods we don't get very often.

But now I'm going to pay dearly for it at the gym and on the streets this week. With only 19 days until the 1/2 marathon we are really going to kick it into high gear.

Tomorrow we start boot camp. We bought new running shoes on Saturday, we have a print out of a Hal Higdon training guide (for the planned full in April), and I've bought groceries to do the phase one of the South Beach Diet for a week to jump start us once again.

We've  never made it the whole two weeks of phase one, but week one is the one that breaks you of the sugar cravings and that's all we've ever needed.

This week's training plan (the gym classes might change because I don't have the Feb schedule yet):

M--3 mile run, step class
T--5 mile run, pump class
W--3 mile run
TH--Cross train (bike at the gym), pump class
F--5 mile pace
S--10 miles (I think I'll be walking some of this, but the goal is to just cover the distance this week)
Sun--rest and take lots of ibuprofen.

1 comment:

Pitterle Postings said...

Keep going! You are going to do this! I am going to have to check out the South Beach Diet as my sugar cravings are a real pain!