Monday, January 10, 2011

Training Week 4?

Ah, I am losing track, but I wanted to report some success. On Saturday, hubby and I went out for our 6 mile run. It was cold. The wind was biting. We didn't want to do it. But we did.

We had to walk, or I should say hubby was nice enough to stop and walk with me when my hips started to hurt. Going through the pain of this run made me vow once again to run consistently through the week so the long run is more enjoyable.

Today we woke to at least 3 inches of snow. And it kept snowing off and on all day. I had that sinking feeling of "I'm never going to win." Then at lunch time, hubby left to go for a run.

What?! Last time it was me being crazy and running after the snow storm. But last time it was icy. Hubby pointed out that the ice was coming tonight, but right now it was soft snow. He ran, and then I ran.

I pretended I was running on the beach. That's what it felt like, except my nose was cold and I was wearing two pair of socks instead of a swim suit. My run was short, just 2 miles instead of 4, but at least I went out there and did something.

I call it a success. Now to do the 30 Day Shred tomorrow and hope for clear roads to run on Wednesday.

How are your fitness goals going?

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